To understand the story behind our flag,Our challenge today was to create a collaborative presentation that reflects the story behind our NZ flag. We did this by looking at how our flag has changed over time Something I found interesting was how the New Zealand has a flag with a blue background and a big blue and white Union Jack in the corner. It has four red stars, which are like the stars you see in the night sky. These stars represent the Southern Cross(stars in the night sky) Some people want a different flag that is more special to New Zealand and shows its own culture better.
About Me | Ko Wai Ahau
Fakaalofa lahi atu, my name is Iki. I am really excited to be a Year 7 student in LS2 at Panmure Bridge School. My teachers are the best. I like this year because of the camp we will go to.
My goal for this year is to finish all of my tasks on time.
Types Of Media.
Today in Ls1 we learnt about Media for our cybersmart challenge so we did this differrnt types of media around us and the main purposes of media.
What is Media?
Today in Ls1 we learnt about Media for our cybersmart challenge.
Swimming poster
On term 3 week one we lernt about the school pools and what you need to do and what you have to bring and take there
Quality Comments
In term 3 week 1 today in ls1 we did this task called quality Comments we lernt how to do a positive thoughtful helpful and i einjooyed this task
This week for cyber smart we did Webcam first i made a image of myself with the 3×3 and after that i had o make a gif of me reacting to my image i picked and what i loved about this task is the camra on my cromebook
Understanding Place Value
This week we revisd what we know about place value.We have also started learning about how A number can be represented in many different ways. Our task was maths and Place Value.
What is a Protoype?
For inquiry in class I learnt Protoypes you may ask what is a Protoype? Well, it is a a design before the real design the. Task was to figure out what’s a prototype and explain it in your way.
Dialogue and wonder
This term in reading we are diving into a novel study for the book “Wonder” by R.J. Palacio. This week we are focusing on what we can learn about the characters, especially through their dialogue. Characters’ thoughts and feelings can be revealed through their dialogue. This allows readers to make inferences about their internal perspectives and motivations.
We read Part One Chapters 5-7 which was about…
Our first task was to choose dialogue from the relevant chapter and use the dialogue to infer what each of the characters’ thoughts may have been.
*embed your Driving task.
Our second task was to imagine we are part of a welcoming committee at Beecher Prep, and create a warm and inviting poster to welcome August, the main character in the story. Our poster had to reflect the school’s values of kindness, inclusivity, and diversity.
I enjoyed reading it
I need to improve on working it out
I did well at reading it