Year: 2023

Dialogue and wonder

This term in reading we are diving into a novel study for the book “Wonder” by R.J. Palacio.  This week we are focusing on what we can learn about the characters, especially through their dialogue.  Characters’ thoughts and feelings can be revealed through their dialogue.  This allows readers to make inferences about their internal perspectives and motivations.


We read Part One Chapters 5-7 which was about…


Our first task was to choose dialogue from the relevant chapter and use the dialogue to infer what each of the characters’ thoughts may have been.

*embed your Driving task.


Our second task was to imagine we are part of a welcoming committee at Beecher Prep, and create a warm and inviting poster to welcome August, the main character in the story. Our poster had to reflect the school’s values of kindness, inclusivity, and diversity.


I enjoyed reading it

I need to improve on working it out

I did well at reading it

Designs for Gala

This term for Inquiry we are studying enterprise.   In week 8 we have the gala where we will be selling things to the other classes.  Our class is making pencil cases and bookmarks.  I chose these designs because it was a sunny day outside and my pencil case was space theme so I picked the space theme bookmark:


ikimotu Media Detective

This week in cybersmart we have begun learning about’Smart media.

When we interact with ” Smart media

We need to be aware of.

Currency-How recent this information?

Accuracy-is this information correct?

Reliability-can you trust the souvce?

Purpose-is it meant to infrom,Entertain? Or persuade

Our task was focused on the purpose-of media

We had to be aware of.

I did well at Purpose

Personal Space

Today I learned about personal space and why we should not touch each other.  This is what I learned :

Don’t go in People’s Bubble.

Don’t touch people.

Don’t go close to them.

Don’t touch their bags.

Don’t touch their worksheet.

Don’t touch their chromebooks.

Don’t touch their tote tray.

Don’t touch their headphones.

PB4L Lunches

This week for PB4L, we focused on the proper way we eat and dispose our lunch.  It is important we do things on time, to work with Whaea Heraś system.  Here is my anti-rubbish poster and my thank you note to Whaea Hera.


Google Meet Etiquette

In cybersmart this week we have been learning about Google Meet etiquette .

Etiquette is another way of saying manners.

Some of the things we talked about were :

  • microphones
  • camera on
  • raising hand button
  • having a good backround

Next week we are going to have our own Google meet with Mr Goodwin.

Matariki – Waita

In class this week, Miss Tele’a talked to us about Matariki and the story of Tawhirimatea’s eyes.  We got to choose which star we’d like to focus on, then complete the task that goes with it.  I chose to focus on the star Waita because it is connected to saltwater oceans and the animals that live in it.  My task was to be a marine biologist and create a DLO about saltwater oceans or its inhabitants.

I picked this because I am a sealover.

I enjoyed learning more about the sea.

I did well at choosing as a task that suits my strengths.